Local time: 10:06 PM |

Get a massage at Lao Red Cross

Lao Red Cross Sauna and Massage offers Swedish-Lao massage and a traditional herbal sauna in a stately old mansion beside the Mekong.

The building is located on Visoun Road, in Ban Visoun across from Wat Wisunalat. It’s walking distance, just five minutes down the slope from the backpacker bar area of Ban Aphai.

Recently renovated, this traditional blue Lao house was the original place to come for a sauna and massage before all the fancy ones arrived.

It might be no frills, but well-trained staff give first-rate massages and there’s a terrific sauna infused with medicinal plants that will clear your respiratory system like mentholated Drano! Now with air-con.

Beside, donations go directly to improving the lives of the poorest villages in Laos, that is one more reason for you to come.

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