Local time: 05:20 PM |


Saoban is a member of PADETC, a Lao NGO that integrates socially sustainable programs in education, agriculture, microfinance, handicrafts, and community leadership. They represent a dynamic and promising new opportunity for preserving ancient crafts and techniques, an important cultural tradition among the diverse ethnic population of Laos. Saoban’s products come straight from the village, where they are made by hand, using traditional materials and techniques that have been passed on for generations.

Buying from Saoban, you will help provide employment and training for artisans, which also create a stable, sustainable livelihood for rural families and communities.

Address: Chao Anou Road, 97/1 Ban Watchan, Vientiane

Phone: +856 21 241 835

Opening Hours: 1.00 PM – 8.00 PM, closed Sundays

Best Buy: Lao textile items, Hmong clothes, handmade pillows, Cama scarves


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